General Characteristics
• It contains anti oxidant, Anti-rust, Anti-corrosion due to good Extreme Pressure
• Used in Highway and off-road vehicles meets with API GL-5.
• It gives long service life even under high temperature operation since it has excellent
oxidation stability.
Typical properties
Kinematic viscosity @100 Degree Celsius21-26 Cst.
Kinematics viscosity @40 Degree Celsius430-477 C’st.
Viscosity Index119
Flash Point192 Degree Celsius
Pour Point-3 Degree Celsius
ASTM Color<3.0
Packing available at- 1, 4, 10, 20 and 200 Liters.
We distribute our latest new STAR BRAND lubricants through our distributor in all over Nepal. We try to give you cheap in price and best in quality lubricants from our new brand. The STAR brand is home-land Lubricants.
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