Purwanchal Lube Oil Pvt. Ltd Is legally established in 23rd Bhadra 2058 (i.e. Saturday 8 September 2001 A.D.). It has not only engaged in profit making but also equally responsible for the society. Some live examples of social responsibility are as follows:-

  1. Donation for study of the orphanage
  2. Donation to the school building construction
  3. Contribution to construction of black pitched road
  4. Donation for Sports Clubs and Football Matches
  5. Sanitation Program of Local roads and Highway Surroundings
  6. Donation to Mechanic Welfare Fund

Nepali Version

वि।सं। २०५८ साल भाद्र २३ गते विधिवत उद्घाटन भएको यस पुर्वाञ्चल ल्यूव आयल प्रा।लि। नाफामूलक मात्र नभई सामाजिक रुपमा पनि उत्तिकै उत्तरदायित्त्व वहन गरेको छ यसका ज्वलन्त उदाहरणहरु यस प्रकार छन्ः

  1. गरीब बालबालिका लागि शिक्षामा सहयोग
  2. बिद्यालयको भवन निर्माणका लागि सहयोग
  3. कालोपत्रे सडक निर्माणका लागि सहयोग
  4. विभिन्न फुटबल क्लब तथा खेलकुद कार्यक्रमका लागि सहयोग
  5. विभिन्न स्थानिय सडक तथा राजर्मागको सरसफाई
  6. मेकानिक कल्याणकारी कोषका लागि सहयोग

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  About Us

We distribute our latest new STAR BRAND lubricants through our distributor in all over Nepal. We try to give you cheap in price and best in quality lubricants from our new brand. The STAR brand is home-land Lubricants.
Please read the message from MD

  Location Map

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